Left Field
Pick Up Lines

(Walk over to her)"Ok, you can stand next to me, as long as you don't
talk about it."
Chicks dig me. I wear colored underwear.
Come on, you can't get pregnant again.
Did you know that the word 'motel' spelled backwards means 'letom'?
Do I know you from somewhere, because I don't recognize you with your
clothes on?
Do you think I could borrow that dress/bustier sometime?
Excuse me, miss? Hi, I'm doing a scavenger hunt for my fraternity rush,
and one of the things on my list is a umm....weird chick.
Free mammograms, get your free mammograms here, get 'em while they're
Have you run into any trees lately? Then how bout a root!
Hello, Susie. Your mom couldn't make it this afternoon, she asked me to
pick you up and take you home. My, what a pretty dress.
HI! Can I buy you a car?
Hi, I make more money than you can spend.
I found this [lace glove, rosary, etc.] on the floor at the club last
night, is it yours? Well, if it's not, I'd like to give it to you
I saw you at the party last weekend and you look kind of interesting..
Let's meet sometime...
Is it that cold out or are you just smuggling tic-tac's
Want to see my stamp collection?
What's a nice girl like you doing with a face like that?
You know, if we cut your arms off, you'd look just like Venus de Milo.
If I pet you, would you follow me home?
Greetings and salivations
Chicks dig me because I rarely wear any underwear, and when I do it is
usually something eroticaly exotic...want to see?
I need to dump my load. Do you mind waiting for me on the bonnet of my
Pardon me, can I borrow your spatula?
I have big feet.
Not only can I palm an NBA basketball, I wear a 13 1/2 size shoe
I want you to have my children. In fact, you can have them right now,
they're out in the car.
Most people would agree that society these days has lost a bit of it's
civility. It's a shame. You have excellent posture.
I'm the one responsible for all those crop circles in England.